Timepiece is the second book in the Hourglass series by Myra McEntire. In this book, Ms. McEntire switches her narrator. This time around is it Kaleb, instead of Emerson.
Kaleb has had a rough year. First his father is killed in an explosion, then his mother goes into a coma, and then his father comes back from the dead. Just because his best friends, Micheal and Emerson just happen to be able to manipulate time. He is working on coping with all of it, mainly with alcohol.
He is at the town Halloween party, when he sees the hot girl as a tiger, too bad his plan to pick her up does not go well. Then everything really goes to hell when Jack Landers shows back up, and then the mysterious Poe. Poe, who takes Emerson hostage and threatens them that they must find Jack by Halloween or there will be consequences.
Jack, Micheal, and Emerson are in a rush to flush out Jack. They turn to Emerson best friend, Lily, who just happens to be tiger girl from the party. Lily has a special ability that allows her to find things, and may be the key to finding Jack and restoring the balance of the time continuum.
Kaleb must learn to use his abilities, and deal with his new feelings for Lily in order to save everything he loves.
I loved Kaleb in the first book, Hourglass. He is the classic bad boy on the outside, but there is nobody who feels more deeply than him, especially with his empathy gift. He is a little of a drag at first while he is still moaning over Micheal and Emerson being together. It does get better once he realizes he loves Emerson more as a sister than as a girlfriend. He and Lily make a wonderful complement to each other because she is so genuine that he is never hurt by her words being a lie to her feelings.
Lily is pretty awesome in her own right. Imagine never losing anything ever again, how convenient it must be for Lily. Plus her Cuban attitude is pretty freaking amazing, just like many Cubans I know (Gisell, J. Maines, and Laura)!
I really enjoy the concept of time continuum issues. Time being a fluid flow of things that can change instead of a linear concepts, very Doctor Who of Ms. McEntire. In fact, she has had Doctor Who references in both books so far, which as a Whovian myself, gives her bonus points in my eyes.
With the ending in this book, it will be interesting to see where she takes the next book, and who gets to be the narrator of it.
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