Hallow City is the second of Ransom Riggs' Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children books. Set in a world where there a Peculiars, people who have a strange ability, and the the Peculiars live in Loops, areas out of time that live a single day over and over again. The Loops are so the Peculiars are safe from normals and Hollowgast, monster that eat Peculiars. At the end of the first book, the Peculiar children of the Cairnholm rescue their ymbryne, Miss Peregrine who controls the Loop, from a U-boat controled by Wights.
The children of Miss Peregrine's Loop are making their escape from Cairnholm, and need to find another ymbryne to help Miss Peregrine return to her human form. The are tired, hungry, and being chased by Wights. They have heard that all the other ymbryne have been captured and sent to the prison loops in London, so decide to try and make their way there.
Jacob must find a way to hone his skills of feeling the Hollowgast presents in order to better protect the other children. Plus he a lot of other things to deal with like being way out of his time, suck in 1940, his feelings for Emma, and what to do when they return Miss Peregrine to normal.
Along their journey, they discover a Loop of Peculiar Animals, who let them know that their ymbryne, Miss Wren, has not been taken and is in London, also, to find a way to save the others. The meet a group of Gypsies who help protect them from the Wights.
The world is a dangerous place for a Peculiar without a Loop and their ymbryne, and these children are in a race for their lives and the life of Miss Peregrine.
This book, along with the first book, are a fantastic combination of written word and photographs. Ransom Riggs finds the most amazing photographs that really enhance his story telling. The concept of the way he does this is so fresh and really wonderfully.
The character of Jacob is so nicely written with his complex emotions, on the one hand missing his home and parents, but the other he really does not want to leave Emma. He has such a struggle with developing his talent, and the best way to use it, to run from the Hollowgast or to fight them. I feel that he had some great character development in this book.
I just want to take a minute to rave over Addison, the Peculiar dog. I just love him, but who did not see that coming. His personality was awesome, and just how I imagine my dogs would sound if they could talk. I really do hope there is even more of him in the next book, which is hinted that he will play a bigger role at the end of this book.
Wow, the ending of this book, I did not see coming. Now that ending is what I call a twist, and can't wait to see where the storyline goes from here.
Currently Reading:
Curtsies & Conspiracies
by Gail Carriger
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