Happy New Year to all my readers!
Don't know about y'all, but I am super excited to get started in 2017, well at least super excited to get reading in 2017.
First a quick recap of my top five favorites of 2016:
1. A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas- I loved this book so much. I am firmly on Team Rhysand and Feyre because of this book.
2. The Winner's Kiss by Marie Rutoski- Probably one of the best end of series books I have read.
3. A Torch Against the Night By Sabaa Tahir- Amazing sophomore book that keeps you on you toes all the way through it.
4. Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton- Probably my favorite debut author book of the year.
5. The Rose & The Dagger by Renee Ahdeih- This one hit right in the feels multiple times.
Big honorable mention to The Serpent King by Jeff Zetner and Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake .
I am excited many of the up coming books for this year. I have, also, made the New Year's resolution to use my Audible subscription more, so expect more reviews of the Audio books for this year. And once again I will be participating in That Artsy Reader Girl's debut author challenge.
Since I know everyone is dying to know what books I am looking forward to for 2017, so here are my top five of that:
1. A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas
2. Traitor to the Throne by Alwyn Hamilton
3. Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare
4. Now I Rise by Kiersten White
5. King's Cage by Victoria Aveyard
I loved to hear from you on your favorite book of 2016 and what book you are looking forward to in 2017.
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