Stars Above is a collection of stories from Marissa Meyer set in the world of her Lunar Chronicles.
The Keeper: A prequel to the Lunar Chronicles, showing a young Scarlet and how Princess Selene came into toe care of Michelle Benoit.
Glitches: In this prequel to Cinder, we the results of the plague play out, and the emotional toll it takes on Cinder. Something that may or may not be a glitch...
The Queen's Army: In this prequel to Scarlet, we're introduced to the army of Queen Levana is building, and one soldier in particular who will do anything to keep from becoming the monster they want him to be.
Carswell's Guide to Being Lucky: Thirteen-year-old Carswell Thorne has big plans involving as Rampion spaceship and no-return trip out of Los Angeles.
After Sunshine Passes By: In this prequel to Cress, we see how nine-year-old Cress ended up alone on a satellite, spying on Earth for Luna.
The Princess and the Guard: In this prequel to Winter, we see a game called The Princess
The Little Android: A retelling of Hans Christian Andersen's "The Little Mermaid," set in the world of The Lunar Chronicles
The Mechanic: We see Kai and Cinder's first meeting from Kai's perspective
Something Old, Something New: In this epilogue to Winter, friends gather for the wedding of the century...
The Breakdown:
I am going to give a short review of each story, but I am skipping Carswell Guide to Being Lucky, since it was at the end of my copy of Cress, and included in that review.
1. I loved that Meyer gave a more in depth look of Scarlet's grandmother in The Keeper. She really showed why Scarlet loved her so. Also it was nice finding out who Scarlet's grandfather was and how she kept Cinder/Princess Selene safe.
2. Glitches shows Cinder's earliest memories, and how she came to be with the Linh's house. Interesting seeing the family dynamic while Mr. Linh was still alive. Plus Cinder's reaction to the news of the Plague.
3. I liked in the Queen's Army that Meyer showed who Wolf was chosen for the program and how he became Alpha. Also interesting seeing the dynamic with his brother.
4. In After Sunshine Passes By, Meyer presents Cress life living with the other Shell's and why she was chosen to live on the salliete as a spy. I enjoyed seeing how far Cress has come since that time.
5. In The Princess and The Guard, I loved seeing what made Winter decided not to use her Lunar gift, especially after learning how strong her gift was. Plus, there was a wonderful moment between her and her father.
6. The Little Android was probably my favorite story, even though only Cinder made a brief appears. Mech 5.0 or Star as she comes to call herself is a lot like Iko. She comes to learn what love and friendship is. The story is both touching and a little sad.
7. The Mechanic was fun because Meyer showed Kai's reaction to meeting Cinder for the first time. It was cute and sweet, and I liked that he was just as surprised by her as she was by him.
8. Of course, Something Old, Something New was amazing. It takes place about two years after the coup on Luna, and Meyer catches up on what all the characters have been up to since then. I love seeing that despite their travels since that they have all remained friends.
To Read or Not to Read:
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