The Chase is the second of Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg's Fox and O'Hare books.
Internationally renowned thief and con artist Nicholas Fox is famous for running elaborate and daring scams. His greatest con of all: convincing the FBI to team him up with only person who has ever caught him, and the only woman to ever capture his attention, Special Agent Kate O'Hare. Together they'll go undercover to swindle and catch the world's most wanted- and untouchable- criminals.
Their newest target is Carter Grove, a former White House chief of staff and the ruthless leader of a private security agency. Grove has stolen a rare Chinese artifact from the Smithsonian, a crime that will torpedo U.S. relations with China if it ever becomes public. Now, Nick and Kate must work under the radar- and against the clock- to devise a plan to steal the piece back. A daring heist and deadly chase lead them from Washington, D.C. to Shanghai, to the underbelly of Montreal. But it'll take more than death threats, trained henchmen, and the fate of the dynasty's priceless heirloom to outsmart Fox and O'Hare.
The Breakdown:
1. I have enjoyed Evanovich since I first picked up One for the Money, and her with Goldberg is a fun combination. The book is a quick, fun read, with some pretty awesome cons thrown in. There are some serious laughs in this book, and there is some really great action, too.
2. I very much enjoy the characters of Fox and O'Hare, plus I see what they did there with the play on words. They are such excellent foils of each other. Fox with his schemes and cons, and total disregard for the law in general, and O'Hare with her straight laced attitude and black and white view of the law. The make for a most interesting pair, not only for their opposite positions in life, but because of the sexual tension between them.
3. While I do very much enjoy all of Kate and Nicholas' interactions, I think my favorite interactions are between Kate and her father. They are fun to read, and let's face it her father is hilarious. An retired special forces guy who really miss the action. I loved when Kate asked him to teach her how to make bombs, and they are going to get the grandkids involves so it will be a family affair, probably my favorite scene in the book.
To Read or Not to Read:
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