Unbinding is the newest book in Eileen Wilks's Lupi series.
After questing through the sidhe realms with her ex-hellhound lover, Nathan, Kai Tallman Michalski has finally returned home. But she knows Nathan will eventually be called back to serve his queen- and Kai will have decide whether to enter her majesty's service as well. Sure, the job comes with great bennies, but there's one big downside: she would have to swear absolute fealty to the Queen of Winter.
For now, though, Kai is glad to be home, and glad that Nathan completed his mission for his queen with surprising ease. But what seemed to be a quick conclusion turns out to be anything but. The two of them helped thwart the sidhe god of chaos- and he is not happy about that. He's got plans for them. Plans, to, for the sidhe who killed him some three millennia ago. Not has be abandoned his plans for Earth, as they learn when chaos begins bursting out all over...
The Breakdown:
1. I really liked the pairing of Kai and Nathan in the short, Inhuman, and was pretty excited to see them get their own novel. I loved the way that Nathan day always improved when Kai came into the room with him. Their bond was great in this book, and I was glad to see how their relationship had progressed, and continued to evolve in this book.
2. Another relationship I found fascinating is the familiar bond between Kai and Dell. They need each other to survive, but their bond is more than survival. It is respect and love between them. They each care so much for the others well being.
3. I thoroughly enjoy the intricacies that Wilks puts into the planning of the antagonist goals in her book, and this book is no different. There are always little twist and turns to the story, and just when I think I know exactly what the baddie wants, there is more to it than I expected.
4. I thought the ending in this book was great. There were things relieved about Dyffaya that I did not expect. I really hope to see more of Kai and Nathan in future books.
To Read or Not to Read:
Currently Reading:
Fragile Spirits
by Mary Lindsey
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