Happy Banned Book week to everyone! So here is my two cents on the whole banning of books. Books are the authors way to express their creativity and ideas, and as a country founded on freedom, we should celebrate that, not discourage it. If we allow the banning of books, how long until we end up like the world in Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. In fact, it is your civic duty to read at least one banned and/or challenged book. And if you don't like the book or find a book offensive, then don't read and don't recommend it to others.
Alright, I am hopping off my soap box now, and on to more important things. Some of my all time favorite books have been on banned list before, including To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee and Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. These are must reads, in my opinion. Plus some of my newer favorites, like The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, have also made banned list.
So readers, if you would be so kind and read a banned book, and leave me a comment on your favorite banned books that would just make my week.
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