Next stop on the United States of YA book tour is Colorado with Jocelyn Davies' A Beautiful Dark.
Skye Parker's seventeenth birthday party is a blast, quite literally. The boilers explodes, but beyond that she has her first encounter with the new boys in town, Asher and Devin, cousins that are polar opposites. As Skye becomes more deeply involved with Asher and Devin, she learns that she is more than the average human.
Asher and Devin are on opposites of the powers who control earth. Devin is part of the Order, who believes very strongly in fate, and will do anything to guide humans to their intended fate. Asher is part of the Rebellion, who believes that human should have the free will to chose their own path in life without interference from others. And both sides want Skye to join them, because of her heritage each believes she is the piece they need to tip the balance in their favor.
The book was kind of hard to get into at first for me, which is weird because it seems like it right in line with my favorite genres. I struggled to figure out why I was having trouble getting absorbed in the book, and then it hit me. I have read this story before, okay not this book exactly, but this book was so extremely close to Lauren Kate's Fallen that it felt like deja vu, and not in relieving your favorite book kind of way. Even the girl on the cover looks a little like the girl on the cover of the Fallen books.
The main character Skye, did nothing for me. Honestly she is kind of boring. She has always been the good little orphan girl, straight A student, and ski team star, which makes a little to perfect for my liking. At times she is quite the emotional flat line that it is hard to connect with her. And Asher and Devin really did nothing for me either. Both, from the beginning, just seemed like they were seeing who could play Skye the best to win her to their side. Super annoying when the author is trying to be deep with them, but nothing feels genuine with either of them. Honestly the character that could have saved this book was Skye's bestie, Cassie. She is vibrant and full of personality, and unfortunately, a super under utilized character.
The book was so uninspiring to me, that even though it ended in a cliff hanger, I do not feel the need to read the next book. I just don't know if I could take anymore of the characters and book deja vu.
Currently Reading:
The Beet Fields
by Gary Paulsen
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