Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Study Break

Here is the deal, I am currently living on a Caribbean island where there is no bookstore, and the only library available to be is Vet school one, which is lacking in the fictional book area.  Therefore, my source of new reading material is my Kindle, which may be the greatest gift someone has ever given me (Thanks Mom!). Unfortunately, buying books constantly on my Kindle can get a little pricey, and since I am just a poor vet student, I needed to find a way for reduce my book cost. 

First, I started using my brother's library card from back home to check out books digitally. (Mine is no longer good because it hasn't been used since I moved here.) That worked great for a couple of weeks, but now, the Georgia library downloads won't let me on to check out book for the last week.  Don't panic, I have my brother on the case to figure out why.  Still, even library has only so many books available for Kindle.

And that brings me to my main point, did you know that you can lend certain digital book on Amazon?  Crazy right, but then who do you know that wants to borrow your books and who has books you want to borrow from?  Well, I recently find the perfect website a solution to that problem: http://www.booklending.com

And why yes, I did find this when I should have been studying for Large Animal Medicine and spent over an hour on there.  While, not every book is available for lending because of publisher restrictions, this place is a great resource for ones available.  I already have 2 books on hold for when someone has them available, and I am sure in the future there will be more.

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