Wanderlost is by Jen Malone.
Not all those who wander are lost, but Aubree Sadler most definitely is on this novel’s whirlwind trip through Europe.
Aubree can’t think of a better place to be than in perfectly boring Ohio, and she’s ready for a relaxing summer. But when her older sister, Elizabeth, gets into real trouble, Aubree is talked into taking over Elizabeth’s summer job, leading a group of senior citizens on a bus tour through Europe.
Aubree doesn’t even make it to the first stop in Amsterdam before their perfect plan unravels, leaving her with no phone, no carefully prepared binder full of helpful facts, and an unexpected guest: the tour company owner’s son, Sam. Considering she’s pretending to be Elizabeth, she absolutely shouldn’t fall for him, but she can’t help it, especially with the most romantic European cities as the backdrop for their love story.
But her relationship with Sam is threatening to ruin her relationship with her sister, and she feels like she’s letting both of them down. Aubree knows this trip may show her who she really is—she just hopes she likes where she ends up.
The Breakdown:
1. Malone writes an adorable novel that proves sometimes you have to get lost to find yourself. Aubree's perfect sister gets arrested covering for her so she convinces Aubree, who is very much a homebody/mama's girl to cover for her as a tour guide in Europe. I loved getting to know Aubree and experiencing Europe with her. Now, I want to go to Europe more that ever, who wants to sponsor my trip?
2. One of my favorite things about this book is the senior citizen's tour group that Aubree is leading. They are a colorful array of characters. They make me laugh on multiple occasions. Plus, I love the way they come to really care for Aubree.
3. Sam was too cute. He is funny and sweet, and it is hard not to fall for him. The chemistry between he and Aubree is great, even when they are just one the phone together. I enjoyed watching their relationship unfold.
4. I have two complaints with the book. First, the ending with Sam finding out Aubree's true identity and forgiving her was a little rushed feeling to me. Second, and this is still bugging me, why did the police officer who arrested Elizabeth dislike her so much. They obviously where in high school together, but I really want to know why he had such a chip on his shoulder about her.
To Read or Not to Read: