Takedown Twenty by Janet Evanovich is her newest novel in the Stephanie Plum series.
Stephanie finds herself with the task to bring in Uncle Sunny, a local wiseguy and very popular, not to mention that he is Morelli's godfather. He is so well liked that no one wants to help her on her task to bring him in. In fact, his cronies are making life really tough for her. She is dealing with a lot of flack on the Uncle Sunny case, including being cursed, once again, by Morelli's grandmother Bella.
She has also been recruited by Ranger to help solve some local murders. Someone is killing old woman and dumping their bodies in a dumpster. Then there is a giraffe that just happens to wondering around the city.
Stephanie is tried of getting shot, falling down stairs, and other bounty hunter crap. A broken finger and broken nose later, she is sure of giving up the job. She just wants to find the granny killer for Ranger before she is done completely.
The Stephanie Plum books are laugh out loud funny. In fact, I don't even read them in public because I have been known to laugh pretty loud from them. This book is no exception to that. Ms. Evanovich is a master of creating hilarious situations with Stephanie, who gets her man more by dumb luck than skill any day of the week.
But twenty books later, and Stephanie still cannot make up her mind between Morelli and Ranger. I get they are both awesome in their own way, but damn girl pick a man. Me, personally, I am a Morelli girl, but I have friends that are all about some Ranger. I have a theory on that. I have found that women that are single and never been married seem to be Morelli fans, but women who are married or divorced are Ranger fans. Please weigh in on which Trenton hottie you prefer, and if my theory has any substance to it more than mine own experience.
If you need a good laugh, you should check this book out.
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